Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me

Social media has become a theatre for users to achieve a slice of fame through ‘trolling’ a brand. But what exactly is trolling, and how should it be dealt with? An internet troll is disguised as a standard customer, but attempts to get under the skin of a brand by luring them into a trap, and … More Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me

Data Driven

Over the past few years we’ve seen simple objects merge with technology to interesting effect. A wristwatch can now make and receive phone calls. A fridge has a screen that can display recipes, and even connect to Skype if you feel like chatting to a relative with your eggs and milk at eye level. In … More Data Driven

Video, Video, Video.

“If I was having a bet, it’d be video, video, video”. That, according to Facebook vice president Nicola Mendelsohn, is the future direction of the company, and perhaps a representation of social media as a whole. Over the past year Facebook claims that the number of video posts per person has increased 75% globally. However, you didn’t … More Video, Video, Video.

Personalised marketing close to the heart (or stomach)

Something you may know is that when it comes to marketing, mobile is very personal. Mobile marketing is so effective for brands as they literally take residence in the consumer’s pocket. If said consumer is anything like me, they’re probably on that device for let’s say, an hour a day? (leaving for work on 100% … More Personalised marketing close to the heart (or stomach)